Monday, April 11, 2011


Can I just start out by saying, this blog is going to soon be spreading its post subjects to a couple of new exciting worlds, worlds that I have long been passionate about but have previously lacked funding, space, and motivation. I will now be pushing into the interior decoration of my house, which will happen slowly and I will share some DIY with everyone. I also will be pushing myself to cook at LEAST one gourmet meal a week. Although I very much appreciate and love eating out, I just now have someone to feed that will appreciate the gesture and also I have watched July and Julia too many times to shut off my culinary passion. So I hope to keep fit, give my place a face-lift, cook amazing food, and stick to the good old basic of this blog, Visual Design.

So today’s, Monday and we all know how Mondays are. Any other day of the week every time I look at the clock forty-five minutes have passed, but today only 2-5 minutes would elapse with every glance. I had a vendor (brands, Levi’s, pay someone to come out and work on their merch in our store) who came in and moved around my mannequins and gave me some bs excuse for why she did it; saying that Macy’s told Levi’s that mannequins cannot go on top of tables because of their risk of falling. Too bad I know my shit and therefore know that Macys is slowly becoming more and more risky with their placement of visual elements. So after she bitched at me about her merch being in the stock rooms and not on the floor and talked about some signing that she needed, she finally left and I got to reset everything to how it was this morning before the bimbo arrived.

I should mention that I was already in a grumpy mood today following the failed startup of my car [I ignored my gas indicator light for too long] and had to walk to work. I really wouldn’t have minded walking to work except for two reasons. It was freezing this morning, and I was walking alongside about 15 high school students on their way to the bus stop.

1 comment:

  1. It's my favorite thing that you just reset it. And I hate when people try act like the know it all. This girl didn't work for Macy's. Ugh. She sounds like a huge byatch.
